
A chronological order of photographical pieces throughout LandSea History. This collection of images encapsulates the variety of eras and experiences that have existed throughout the 50 year history of the program. If you have any images or videos you would like to see added, feel free to submit them through the connect portion of the website or to our email .


The beginning years of the program. First coined “Land and Sea,” the outdoor education program began with time in The Porcupine Mountains to Killarney Provincial Park. It featured sailing in addition to the Canoeing and Backpacking we still see today!


The program continues in Killarney as it began!


A decade spent in Killarney; sailing, climbing, backpacking, and paddling; however, during this period Tom Breznau takes over the program.


Another decade in Killarney Provincial Park. The only major change program sees during this period is the end to the sailing portion of LandSea in 2004.


This decade saw the directorial shift from Tom Breznau to Jory Horner. Additionally, elements such as rafting and the additional options of service and basecamp were implemented. In the year 2020, the first pause in traditional programming occurred with LandSea “meet-ups” being the only form of the course to run in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The LandSea program has seen several variations following the pandemic. This includes a year at Go-REC a facility in Traverse City, a return to the Adirondacks in 2022, and the addition of a Pretty Lake Program.

Photo Credits

Thank you to the Kalamazoo College Archives and LandSea Alumni for supporting the publication of these old photos as a way to commemorate 50 years of LandSea. If you have any additional photos from your own LandSea experience please reach out to us at our email!